Concealed Home Cinema in Andover, Hampshire

living room with projector screen
23 May 2023

This beautiful home in Andover, Hampshire features a large open plan garden room housing a living space and kitchen. Within this space the homeowners have a 113" Projector Screen coming down infront of a Television. Projection comes from the Epson EH-LS12000B Laser Projector which is mounted in a CR50 Projector Lift so that it all hides away at the touch of a button.

One of the most impressive things in this space is the Dolby Atmos 5.2.2 sound system. Featuring 3 Monitor Audio CP-IW260X In-Wall Speakers and IWS-10 In-Wall subwoofers at the front of the room. In the ceiling there are 4 Monitor Audio C280-IDC Speakers and a freestanding REL T/5x Subwoofer to complete the setup. The system is controlled by an Arcam AVR21 AV Receiver and the customer uses SkyQ as well as Apple TV. To keep all of the equipment looking neat they purchased a range of different AV Rack Mount Shelves which perfectly fit all of their devices.
